If you are out in town, it is preferable not to be alone.   Do not buy alcoholic beverages to bring them into the harbor.   If you are not European, you can use ONLY GATE 1 to exit and enter in the port.   Do not exchange money except at authorized exchange centers!   Pay attention! There are some crooks who pretend to be from Seamen's Club. They will ask you for money in various forms and then disappear. Ignore them or call the police. Seamen's Club representatives will never ask you for money.   If you use individual transport, look for authorized taxi cars only and pay attention to the fare.   If you have arrived in Constanța and, together with your colleagues, would like to go out to the city, call us at +40 723 000-555. We are waiting for you!  

Contact Us

Seamen's Club Constanţa - România

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while seats are available!

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Put two ships in the open sea, without wind or tide, and, at last, they will come together. Throw two planets into space, and they will fall one on the other. Place two enemies in the midst of a crowd, and they will inevitably meet; it is a fatality, a question of time; that is all. ”Jules Verne

The way from Gate 1 to the Club

(A) Gate 1 - Port Constanta (exit for non-EU seafarers.
(B) Constanța City Hall (intermediate route point).
(C) Seamen's Club Constanța.

