GMT +02:00 România/Bucharest
3:00pm - 10:00pm
Call for service
Call for service
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Please call: +40(0)723 000-555
This FAQs answer sheet includes a number of questions from seafarers who have contacted the SeafarerHelp team.
New guidelines to avoid or manage an outbreak of coronavirus on board ships are now available.
We can pick up the Covid-19 by touching surfaces contaminated with the new coronavirus.
Psychotherapists are ready to put their knowledge into practice to help you manage what may be left now, so you can be #goodagain.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, several protection rules were imposed during Seamen's Club activities:
• Free carriage of the seamen from ship to club back and port.
• Frequent desinfection of the vehicles (handles, steering wheel, dashboard).
• Hydroalcoholic gel and masks available in the vehicles.
• Hand disinfection.
• Mask is mandatory.
• 4 seamen per vehicle.
• No seamen on the front seat (besides the driver).
• Carriage of seamen of a single ship (no mixing with the crew of another ship).
If you have arrived in Constanța and, together with your colleagues, would like to go out to the city, call us at +40 723 000-555. We are waiting for you!
Do not exchange money except at authorized exchange centers!
If you use individual transport, look for authorized taxi cars only and pay attention to the fare.
If you are out in town, it is preferable not to be alone.
Do not buy alcoholic beverages to bring them into the harbor.
Pay attention! There are some crooks who pretend to be from Seamen's Club. They will ask you for money in various forms and then disappear. Ignore them or call the police. Seamen's Club representatives will never ask you for money.
If you are not European, you can use ONLY GATE 1 to exit and enter in the port.
We are grateful for the time you spend sending us feedback. It goes directly to the Seamen's Club team and is used to investigate and fix any problems or to optimize our services. Although we may not respond to every problem reported, we examine and strive to resolve the issues as soon as possible.
You can fill in and send your FEEDBACK below. All data are required.
2018-09-04 | Admin
A crew of nice people. Thank you for your visit! …
2017-10-20 | Costica
Frumos , se preteaza foarte bine pentru recreerea navigatorilor ce ajung in Romania. …
2017-10-20 | kasauki takanaka
I visited this club in Romania and i was very impressed.It is a quaiet place,very welcoming and there are all facilities.A GOOD JOB FOR CONSTANTA PORT …
2017-08-20 | Rene Amante
Many thankz for the good great experience,,,,,mabuhayyy …
2017-07-31 | Admin
A manager, an organizer, always cheerful and optimistic. Congratulations! …
2017-06-25 | Admin
Decizia de a institui 25 iunie ca Zi Internațională a Navigatorului (sau a Marinarului) a fost luată la conferința Organizației Maritime Internaționale (IMO) de la Manila (Filipine) din 2010, unde au fost adoptate revizuiri la Convenția internațională privind standardele de pregătire, certificare și efectuare a serviciului de cart (Convenția STCW) și a Codului de asociat.
Tema campaniei din 2017 este "Navigatorii contează" ("Seafarers matter"). Site-ul IMO arată că pentru anul 2017, se acordă o atenție deosebită porturilor și centrelor de navigatori pentru ca acestea să prezinte cele mai bune practici privind sprijinul și bunăstarea navigatorilor. Porturile și centrele de navigatori organizează activități speciale pentru navigatori (marinari) în ziua respectivă, cum ar fi evenimente sociale, zi publică deschisă la centrele de navigatori, Wi-Fi gratuit în port timp de o zi etc.
Ziua Internațională a Navigatorului este marcată, în fiecare an, și în România.
Conform statisticilor Sindicatului Liber al Navigatorilor (SLN), prezentate la 25 iunie 2016 de către președintele SLN, Adrian Mihălcioiu, în țara noastră există 35.000 de brevete și certificate, dintre care 25.000 sunt active pe piață. Dintre aceștia, 16.000 reprezintă personal navigant de origine română care contribuie la siguranța navei, iar 9.000-10.000 sunt cei care funcționează ca personal auxiliar: cameriste, ospătari, bucătari etc.
SLN are peste 6.000 de membri înregistrați, în companiile de navigație românești și cele mai mari companii de navigație din străinătate.
La nivel mondial, există aproximativ un milion și jumătate de marinari, iar vapoarele transportă 12 miliarde de tone de marfă pe an. …
2017-06-23 | Adrian
It is amassing site. Very nice, helpful and interesting in the same time. Services provided - very good quality and very helpful for seafarers away from the houses. Everything is for free ! Waw ! And safety ! That is a real service for seafarers. …
2017-06-09 | Rafael Hamadani
Best prices in town. I suggest going there if you're looking to do cheap groceries. …
2017-06-08 | Chris Hankinson
I walked around the Casino area and it was very enjoyable, however, I hope that in the future it will be possible to visit the inside as well. …
2017-06-08 | Chris Hankinson
I highly recommend visiting this museum, especially for the people that are interested in seeing warships and the history of the romanian sailors. …
2017-06-05 | Admin
I hope that this website will become a useful guide for all of the seafarers visiting Constanţa. I ask those who visit to share their opinions with us as it will be very helpful towards improving the website. Thank you! …
2017-06-05 | Admin
If you like to know about the history of the roman empire, this is a good place to go to enrich your knowledge. The mosaic is spectacular and breathtaking having in mind that it has more than 2000 years. …
2017-06-05 | Admin
Romanian Navy, such an amazing museum! You can learn a lot about the romanian navy's history. …
2017-06-05 | Admin
Mulțumim domnului Ion Tița-Călin pentru cărțile interesante pe care ni le-a oferit în lungul timpului, dar și pentru sprijinul pe care ni l-a acordat la elaborarea revistei Cap Compas. …
2017-06-05 | Admin
I don`t have words to express the beauties that lie hidden within this place. It's a must-see, if you visit Constanta! …
2017-06-03 | Admin
Îmi place cel mai mult deoarece este bine poziționat, ușor accesibil și, mai ales, are o parcare imensă unde găsești mereu loc. …
2017-05-17 | Seafarer
A modern space, just good for relaxing after a long voyage. …
2016-10-30 | Reloy Tenama
Many thankz for the good great experience,,,,,mabuhayyy …